Other Signs Of A Dog's Seizure

Other Signs Of A Dog's Seizure

28 March 2023
 Categories: , Blog

When you think about a dog suffering a seizure, there's a good chance that the first thing you think about is the animal experiencing tremors. While this can be a good way to determine that your pet is having a seizure — and should immediately compel you to begin arranging to take the dog to a local animal hospital — there can be other signs to watch for. These can often follow the tremors, which you might not always be around to witness. Here are some behaviors that often accompany a dog's seizure and should compel you to seek emergency care.


Another common indicator of a dog's seizure is that it will fall to the floor. It might be standing or walking in your home, and suddenly lose its ability to stand. As a pet owner, seeing this behavior can be deeply troubling, but it's a clear warning sign that your pet needs professional help. In some cases, the dog may attempt to stand up but be unable to do so. Sometimes, the animal will temporarily be able to regain stability on its feet but fall again as it attempts to take a step.

Loss Of Bodily Functions

A dog that suffers a seizure will often lose control of its bodily functions. This means that it might urinate or defecate on the floor. If the dog is trained, you might initially be shocked by this behavior and perhaps even want to react by disciplining the dog. It's important, however, to stay calm and realize that this unusual incident is almost certainly linked to a health issue — including a seizure. While cleaning up the mess might be a priority to you, you should also consider the pressing health needs of your dog and reach out to your local animal hospital.


Another way that you may be able to tell that your dog is having a seizure or has recently had a seizure is that it appears stiff throughout its body. It can seem as though the animal is tensing all of its muscles at the same time, which is upsetting to see. The dog may be lying down or sitting up when you notice the stiffness, and it may be unable to respond to your commands. For example, if you're concerned about what is going on and call the dog over to you, it may be so stiff that it doesn't move. Veterinarians can deal with dogs' seizures in many ways, so get to the local animal hospital as quickly as you can.

Contact an emergency pet care facility to learn more.