Jamie Edwards

You Should Take Your New Dog Into The Veterinarian Soon

7 September 2022
 Categories: , Blog

If you've recently taken in a new dog, then you should get it in for a veterinarian exam soon. Even if the dog seems to be in good health, there are many reasons why a veterinarian exam is important. You can read more on some reasons why taking your new dog to the vet is important in the information below.  Find out if the dog has been fixed If you got a male dog, then it will be easy to tell that he was neutered just by looking at him. Read More …

Ways To Prevent Ticks From Infecting Your Dog With Lyme Disease This Summer

8 June 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Your dog's life is directly in your hands. When you aren't taking care of your dog, there's only so much your dog can do for itself. You are responsible for your dog and its health in order to ensure it has a long and healthy life. Part of taking care of your pet is to prevent diseases such as Lyme disease. Lyme disease can affect both pets and humans alike. It is usually caused by a bite from a tick that has Lyme disease. Read More …

What To Consider When Taking Your Dog To The Emergency Veterinarian

31 March 2022
 Categories: , Blog

When your dog has an emergency situation, it may leave you feeling all types of emotions. You want your dog to get the very best care and solve whatever ailment it is suffering from, but there are things you need to consider when you take your dog to the veterinarian. You need to get control of your emotions and be strong for your dog. They are counting on you to get them the very best care possible. Read More …

Reasons That A Dog’s Leg May Require Amputation

28 January 2022
 Categories: , Blog

In addition to providing all sorts of routine care for your dog, your local veterinarian is someone who can perform surgeries when needed. While there are many minor surgeries that some dogs can require, a major surgery that some animals face is the amputation of one of their legs. Hearing during a veterinary clinic visit that your dog may need its leg amputated can be distressing, but it's important to know that dogs can live happy and fulfilling lives with just three legs. Read More …

What Your Vet Hopes You Know About Microchipping Your Pet

22 November 2021
 Categories: , Blog

As a pet owner, your veterinarian has likely recommended that you have your pet microchipped in the past. If you've wondered about microchipping but aren't sure if it's the right decision, you might have come across some misinformation that could lead you to make a misinformed choice. Here's a look at a few things that your veterinarian wants you to know about microchipping and your pet. Microchipping Doesn't Require Anesthesia Read More …